• Primary morbidity and disability due to diseases of the digestive system among the adult population of the Belgorod region in a comparative aspect with the Russian Federation in dynamics for 2008−2022

    Marina A. Urusova, Natalia A. Andreeva, Tatiana V. Dmitrieva, Olga N. Chaplygina, Irina V. Kryuchkova

    The results of a comparative analysis of indicators of primary morbidity and disability due to diseases of the digestive organs (DOD) among the adult population in the Belgorod region in a comparative aspect with the Russian Federation (RF) for 15 years (2008−2023) are presented. The rank places of BOP in the structure of primary morbidity and disability have been determined. The level of primary morbidity and disability due to BOP during the observation period in the Belgorod region and in the country as a whole was characterized by a positive downward trend. The contingent of disabled people was formed mainly by people of working age, disabled people of group III.

    The first 3 ranking places in the structure of primary disability due to BOP were occupied by liver diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and pancreatic diseases. The identified features of the age structure and trends in the dynamics of disability indicators due to BPD, taking into account the established signs of population regression, allow us to predict an increase in the level of disability, which indicates the need for further optimization of the provision of medical and social care and support for this contingent of disabled people.

  • Socio-psychological technologies for overcoming feelings of loneliness in the elderly

    Irina K. Svishcheva, Irina I. Korotkaya, Elena V. Polyakova

    There are more and more elderly people all over the world. and the support of this category becomes an important part of the social policy of any state. In order to make the life of an elderly person happier and richer, to give him confidence in his abilities, to make up for the lack of communication, to help adapt to the role of a pensioner and cope with the situation of abandonment and alienation, lack of demand in society, it is necessary to avoid immersing the elderly in a state of loneliness. It is important to note that it is the family that is the most important sphere in which an elderly person realizes many important needs for him. But paradoxically, even those who are surrounded by the attention and care of relatives often face such a feeling.

    The article presents the results of a study of the phenomenon of experiencing feelings of loneliness in old age in the context of social support for this category of citizens, creating conditions for improving their social well-being, making up for the lack of communication, helping to overcome the state of lack of demand and alienation. The analysis of the results of the author's research confirms the fact that the psychologically “correct” strategy of living in the elderly is the preservation of social and mental activity, finding occupations and hobbies, new friends, integration with new generations of the family through various socio–psychological technologies to overcome loneliness, the creation of a Communication Club, in particular. The project “Club communication as a method of socio-psychological assistance in overcoming loneliness of older people” is presented as a form of work that allows to cope with the identified problem to the greatest extent, and also makes it possible to meet the need of older people to communicate, develop social skills, eliminate feelings of uselessness and abandonment, organize useful leisure and active full-fledged life of this category of citizens.


  • Implementation of the active ageing strategy in the practice of social work with the elderly

    Irina K. Svishcheva , Irina I. Korotkaya

    The essence of the phenomenon of "active longevity" is revealed, various approaches to the definition of this concept are considered, the connection between active longevity and a healthy lifestyle in the views of older people is shown. The description of the factors of active longevity is given, the features of the implementation of the strategy of active longevity in Belgorod are considered. The results of the study of the perception of active longevity factors by older citizens showed the need to involve them in the implementation of active longevity programs by social institutions of Belgorod. The directions of the implementation of the strategy of active longevity in the practice of social work with elderly citizens in Belgorod are presented.

  • The New Content of “Silver” Volunteering in the Context of a Special Military Operation (Based on Materials from the Belgorod Region)

    Galina A. Elnikova, Kirill V. Beketov

    “Silver” volunteering is a significant aspect of social reality that aims to promote the active involvement of older adults in public life, self-realization, and the solution of important issues in modern society. This dynamic social movement can change its meaning, content, and focus under the influence of external factors. “Silver” volunteers play a crucial role in emergency situations, where the need for assistance and support increases. Therefore, studying the experience of “silver” volunteering in emergency conditions in the Belgorod region is essential for its theoretical understanding. Despite the abundance of literature on “silver” volunteering, little research has been conducted on its activities in extreme circumstances. The purpose of this article is to present the findings from a study on the activity of "silver" volunteers in the Belgorod region during emergency situations. The study was based on an analysis of documents from the Belgorod Social Protection Department (2009−2024), as well as the results of a questionnaire survey with elderly people who had applied to social protection authorities (n=87 in 2021) and interviews with them (n=23 in December 2023). We used a comparative method in our analysis. The results of the study show both an increase in the number of elderly volunteers, as well as a change in the meaning and content of their activities. Instead of focusing on self-actualization in stable conditions, the volunteers now prioritize assisting those in need.


  • Information and communication, gaming technologies in social rehabilitation of senior people (Applied research of the stationary institution experience)

    Natalia Y. Podgornaya, Ksenia Y. Koroleva

    An expert interview with practitioners of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation center showed the high demand and active use of ICT in rehabilitation activities and interaction with clients. A questionnaire survey and a focus group of clients-recipients of social services showed a positive perception of rehabilitation methods using ICT and gaming technologies. Information and communication technologies act both as auxiliary rehabilitation tools, and can be used independently in solving medical, social and psychological problems of the client during the period of inpatient care and upon completion of course rehabilitation. The development of information and communication technologies by clients in the process of social rehabilitation improves the quality of life by providing wider access to social, medical, social, cultural and leisure services, and also allows solving some of the social problems of this socio-demographic group associated with a lack of communication, loneliness and social isolation.

  • Problems of prevention of occupational stress and emotional burnout among emergency workers

    Elena Ivanovna Mozgovaya, Alan Khazbievich Dzgoev

    The article attempts to scientifically analyze the problem of professional stress and emotional burnout in employees of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, professional risks contributing to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduction of professional achievements. The prevailing individual character traits and personal qualities of this profession representatives, circumstances causing acute experiences and the main symptoms of emotional and professional burnout in emergency employees have been revealed. It has been established that measures to prevent professional stress and emotional burnout should be aimed at the formation of purposeful social behavior, stress resistance, life strategies and training of emergency employees in methods of internal regulation.


  • Dynamics of primary morbidity and disability due to non-infectious enteritis and colitis of the adult population of the Belgorod region for 2011–2021

    Natalia A. Andreeva, Elena P. Kladieva, Irina V. Kryuchkova, Marina A. Urusova, Olga N. Chaplygina, Tatiana V. Dmitrieva

    The analysis of the dynamics of officially registered indicators of the incidence of diseases of the digestive organs in the adult population of the region, including non-infectious enteritis and colitis, as well as chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease) among the primary examined patients in the Bureau of medical and social expertise is presented. The identified main features and trends of morbidity and disability are presented in relation to further optimization of the provision of medical and social assistance and support to this contingent of patients and disabled people.

  • Life strategies of young families (based on the materials of a Sociological study)

    Zhanna O. Blagorozheva

    Life strategies of young families are one of the key areas of sociological research, as they characterize the main directions of development of youth and young families. For the purpose of a sociological analysis of the life strategies of young families, the author of the article conducted an empirical survey study. The object of the study is the young families in Belgorod.

    During the study, the life strategies of young families were measured in the following areas: economic strategies, reproductive strategies, family strategies, and the main problems of implementing life strategies. The following conclusions can be drawn from the study: young people are characterized by a traditional family type and traditional values; young people believe that there should be children in the family, but preferably one or two children, financial well-being is one of the main factors of the full functioning of the family.

    Acknowledgements: The study was carried out within the framework of the state task FZWG‑2023–0016, the topic “Life strategies of youth in the context of the geopolitical transformation of the Russian space”, 2023-2025.

  • Socio-Psychological Support for The Elderly (On the Example of the Municipal Project “Old Age is a joy”)

    Natalia I. Poluboyarinova

    The article examines the features of socio-psychological support for the elderly, the author presents the results of a study which demonstrate the presence of psychological difficulties in elderly people receiving social services, a decrease in emotional background, and lack of life prospects. As one of the solutions, the author suggests the project “Old Age is a joy”, aimed at improving the adaptive capabilities of older people.


  • Elderly people’s social activity factors (based on sociological research)

    Oksana V. Besschetnova, Ljudmila V. Tarasova

    The article reveals the factors of social activity displayed by elderly people living in the city of Belgorod. The most important factors of social activity of elderly citizens are marital status, health status, living conditions, education and professional experience, internal motivation, the opportunity to participate in cultural and leisure activities, labor, social, and volunteer activities. Factors hindering the formation of social activity of older citizens are identified as following: the negative socio-political situation in the country, loneliness, biased attitude towards elderly citizens. The relationship between social activity and social well-being of an elderly person has been established. Involving elderly people in socially significant activities that are beneficial for the community is the main condition for making them more socially active.


  • Здоровьесбережение в практике обучения специалистов по социальной работе: междисциплинарный подход

    Natalia V. Lazurenko, Marina E. Polenova, Natalia N. Podporinova

    Health-saving technologies in the educational environment at the present stage are becoming a prerequisite for professional training and contribute to the formation of health-saving behavior. The authors consider an interdisciplinary approach to the problem of health care for the training direction 39.03.02 "Social work". The methods and technologies of teaching various disciplines that form competencies in the field of healthy lifestyle for students are presented. Intersubject connections of disciplines of professional and special training, practical orientation of classroom classes and independent work of students are shown. The preparation of students for the implementation of health care activities in the context of an interdisciplinary approach ensures the integration of various disciplines and educational technologies and is characterized by the formed universal, general professional and professional competencies.

  • Christian Religious Values in Modern Volunteering

    Angelina S. Romanova

    The article discusses the topic of volunteering and voluntary activities, originating in Christian doctrine. It is shown that the value system is the most important component of both individual and social consciousness. It is concluded that the guidelines for the spiritual and moral characteristics of the volunteer movement are Christian values.

  • Remote employment of persons with disabilities in the era of digitalization

    Elena N. Alekseeva

    The labor market is undergoing significant changes as a result of the influence of digitalization processes on it, as a result of which new forms of employment are emerging. With the development of information and communication technologies and the availability of the Internet, remote employment has become possible for many categories of the population, including those with health limitations. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to the active implementation and development of remote employment, however, the forced transition of employers to this form of employment opened gaps in the legislative framework, consisting in its insufficient flexibility and protection of fundamental rights of workers. The total number of Russian disabled people at the beginning of 2023 was 11.55 thousand people, of which 4.5 thousand people were of working age. The share of employed (working) disabled people from the total number of disabled people at the beginning of 2022 is only 22.6%, while the total share of the employed population is 79%. Persons with disabilities are a unique reserve of the population’s labor potential in the context of a declining working-age population and its aging. Labor plays an important role in the integration and self-realization of people with disabilities, helps improve their standard of living, and also prevents the development of social deprivation. Limited health opportunities create obstacles to the traditional form of employment, especially for people with limited mobility. Despite the quotas for jobs for this category of citizens, in practice there is often a lack of desire on the part of employers to include employees with disabilities in their staff. Today, the state pays close attention to the issues of professional development and employment of disabled people of working age. The article examines remote work as an adaptive mechanism for persons with disabilities, providing them with the opportunity for labor integration. The basic terms and concepts that describe remote employment are presented. Increasing the level of employment of people with disabilities plays an important role in developing the level of general well-being of society. Since employment for people with disabilities of working age is the main channel of social and labor integration, the use and implementation of remote forms of employment is of particular importance. Remote work is an innovative and effective way to solve the acute problem of unemployment among persons with disabilities and people with disabilities, thereby its use will have a positive impact on the level of employment of the population as a whole.

  • Social Well-Being of Students with Disabilities in Metropolis

    Elmira K. Naberushkina, Oksana V. Besschetnova

    The study of problems of people with disabilities lies in an interdisciplinary field, where medicine and physiology come into contact with legal, urban, sociocultural aspects of life, allowing us to consider disability issues from a new scientific perspective. The aim of our research is to study the social well-being of students with disabilities in the context of inclusiveness of urban space. The article presents the results of the research conducted by the authors of the article in 2023 by a focus group method at a metropolitan inclusive university in Moscow. The research methodology is built within the framework of the sociology of disability and social urbanism. The study sample (n = 40) consisted of students with musculoskeletal disabilities who came from medium-sized and small cities of Russia to receive higher education.

    The study made it possible to identify the levels of social well-being of students with disabilities (high, medium and low) and to correlate them with the degree of their socio-psychological safety (maximum, moderate and minimal). It has been empirically proven that Russian cities, depending on their size (metropolises, large, medium and small), have a significant impact on the social well-being of students with disabilities, which is due, firstly, to different degrees of inclusiveness of the space; secondly, the different attitudes of city dwellers towards young disabled people (positive, neutral, negative).


  • Analysis of accessibility map of the state program “Accessible Environment” (a case study of Moscow)

    Mikhail V. Firsov, Anastasia V. Karpunina

    The article is an attempt to assess the capabilities of interactive map of accessibility of objects that was developed and implemented during the ten-year phase of the state program “Accessible Environment”. The map of accessibility, being the declared result of the program implementation, was developed in order to accumulate and convey to the population relevantи and reliable information about the accessibility of priority social, engineering and transport infrastructure objects. Development of the map of accessibility was conducted by the federal and regional authorities with the participation of SONCOs –socially oriented organizations. Scale of the carried out work should speak about its high efficiency, however, in the opinion of the authors, the specified map of accessibility is not the known, discussed tool neither in a public field, nor in the sphere of social work, including work with elderly people and people with disabilities, which are positioned as the basic target group of the project. Empirical testing was carried out by methods of analysis and observation in 2 stages: analysis of the interactive map of accessibility of social facilities in Moscow on the portal zhit-vmeste.ru and analysis of the external and internal environment of city institutions. The authors analyze the objects of social protection of Moscow on the map of accessibility (October 2022) and come to the conclusion that the organizations represented on the map reflect only a small proportion of such significant objects as social service organizations. The authors supplement the analysis of the map with the analysis of the external and internal environment in social service organizations according to the indicators presented in the passport of the state program “Accessible environment”. The results of this analysis show that the level of compliance of the environment of organizations does not affect their reflection on the map. This conclusion raises the question of the need for all-Russian study of accessibility map as a result of the federal program, identifying the reasons for incomplete reflection of social facilities on it and their elimination in order to raise awareness of citizens about the opportunities of social protection sphere.


  • Theater therapy as a technology for socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people

    Inna I. Dubochinskaya, Marina E. Polenova

     Currently, society is actively forming the concept of independent living for disabled people, as well as encouraging their inclusion in the social and cultural environment. The article shows that theater therapy as a form of organizing leisure activities is aimed at the formation of the skills of verbal and non-verbal communication, understanding and expressing emotions and feelings, both their own ones and those of others, developing confident behavior in interaction with other people; the necessity to popularize theater therapy as an effective method of sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people is considered.

  • Organization of Cultural and Leisure Activities for Young People with Disabilities

    Alena A. Babenko

    This article aims to provide a comprehensive study on the organization of cultural and leisure activities for young people with disabilities, focusing on their significance in the process of their social integration and adaptation. The paper examines a range of theoretical and practical aspects related to creating an inclusive environment for this group, including eliminating physical, psychological, and information barriers that hinder their access to public life and cultural events. Through analysis of scientific literature, particularly research in the fields of social psychology and sociology, the author argues that the isolation experienced by young people with disabilities often stems not from their physical or psychological characteristics, but rather from inadequate adaptation of social structures. The article analyzes successful examples of inclusive cultural and leisure activities in Russia, including projects of the All-Russia Society of Disabled People aimed at socio-cultural rehabilitation. It also discusses the importance of supporting young people with disabilities through creative master classes and sports competitions. The article highlights the significance of psychological assistance for young people with special needs, which helps them overcome social fears and build confidence through participation in cultural events. It also examines successful initiatives at the regional level, like the Center for Social Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities in Belgorod, which offers programs for creative development and social integration of young people with disabilities.


  • Determination of the motivation of athletes with hearing impairment to engage in adaptive sports

    Victoria K. Klimova, Maria V. Shimokhina, Elena V. Strizhakova, Darya V. Voikina, Andrey V. Dolzhenko

    Society faces the demand of involving people with disabilities and disabled people in systematic adaptive sports. Adaptive sport is of great importance for self-actualization, self-realization and communicative activity of deaf people. The main goal adaptive physical culture is to develop a mindset for achieving success, which becomes the most important component of the athlete's motivation sphere. However, studies devoted to the adaptive sports athletes motivations are not enough. The purpose of this study was to test motivation research tools and determine the main motives that encourage athletes with hearing impairments to engage in adaptive sports. The survey of 10 highly qualified athletes (candidates for masters of sports, masters of sports) with hearing impairments (hard of hearing) has shown that the most important motivators are to feel needed and useful for loved ones and country and keep fit. Other motives (to be surrounded by people who share your values and views, etc.) also had a high degree of significance.

  • Role of Adaptive Physical Education and Adaptive Sports in Social Adaptation of People with Disabilities: Experience of the Belgorod Region

    Elena V. Strizhakova, Victoria K. Klimova, Maria V. Shimokhina

    Involvement of persons with health conditions and disabilities in adaptive physical education and sports helps to facilitate adaptation processes in society and increases the self-esteem of the participants.

    In the Belgorod Region, a priority is the introduction of socially-oriented technologies to improve the quality of life of people in this category. The data confirming the increase in the involvement of persons with disabilities in active physical fitness and health activities are presented.

    A unified concept of implementation of a set of measures and physical fitness and recreational services ("road map") aimed at the development of adaptive physical culture and sport in the municipalities of the region is considered.


  • Features of the development of blind sports in the Belgorod Region at the present stage

    Igor N. Nikulin, Roman E. Malakhov, Daria V. Voikina

    The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the development of blind sports in the Belgorod region at the present stage. The main determinants of the development of blind sports in the Belgorod region at the present stage are revealed. Blind sports in the Belgorod region are represented in the following sports disciplines: athletics, arm wrestling, swimming, chess, checkers. The leading athletes and teams have been identified. The proportion of athletes with visual impairments engaged in 2022 in the context of the stages of sports training has been established. The largest percentage of students is represented in training groups − 34.6%. A positive trend has been established in the number of visually impaired athletes engaged in adaptive physical culture and sports in the Belgorod region after a decline in 2019 and 2020. The 2023 figure of 430 people exceeded the 2018 figures for the first time. The main problems restraining the pace of development of blind sports in the Belgorod region have been identified. Among these: the absence of a blind sports federation, the difficulty of gathering athletes at the same time in the venues of training sessions; children with serious visual impairment study in specialized boarding schools; adults, after graduation from educational institutions, are poorly motivated to practice sports.

  • Professional Adaptation of People with Disabilities in the Kursk Region

    Natalia I. Agronina

    The article examines the specific issues of employment for people with disabilities in the Russian Federation and the measures taken to promote employment at the municipal level. It analyzes the current monitoring data from the statistical services of the Russian Federation to show the relevance of measures to support the integration of people with disabilities into the labor market. Using the example of the inclusive center "Breathing Together" in Kursk, the article presents the municipal experience in implementing volunteer, educational, and public projects to normalize the lives and socially and professionally adapt disabled people. This positive experience can be scaled up and replicated in other regions of Russia.


  • Inclusive practices in the field of adaptive physical culture and sports: the experience of project activities

    Elena V. Strizhakova, Gennadii V. Kovalchuk

    In modern conditions of life, an inclusive approach plays a significant role in the development of adaptive physical culture and sports, enables people with disabilities to remain competitive in the market of services provided. In the Belgorod region, the implementation of an inclusive approach is carried out through the formation of an inclusive space for people with disabilities. The authors present the characteristics of some inclusive projects aimed at involving people with disabilities together with healthy people in systematic adaptive physical culture and sports. The implementation of all these projects confirms the demand for inclusive sports events in the Belgorod region and ensures the development and popularization of adaptive sports in the region, as well as their importance for further management of sports development in the region. It was found that the result of the implementation of project activities for the implementation of inclusive sports practices in the Belgorod region was the use of the available resources of the region for the development of adaptive sports, building interaction on an ongoing basis between government agencies and public organizations of the Belgorod region, the development and conduct of inclusive sports events in the region.


  • Physical culture and sports activities of the Belgorod organization of the deaf in the 70th years of XX − the beginning of XXI century

    Yuri G. Shashnin, Anna I. Dudka, Vadim A. Shakhanin

    The article deals with the activity of the Belgorod branch of the All-Russian public organization of disabled people “All-Russian Society of the Deaf” on the development of physical culture and sport, the active participants of which were both its city and inter-district/district organizations. The organizers of the work were the regional and local boards of the organization, the society's active members, who had been formed during the period of the organization's existence since 1954. Physical education and sports became a part of the organization's systematic work on rehabilitation and socialization of Belgorod residents with hearing problems. The activity in this direction was based on the instructions and recommendations contained in the documents of the ruling party and the government, which guided and regulated the activity of public organizations of the country (from the decisions of the Congresses of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to the Decrees of the government on the organization of physical training and sports work with the population). Efforts of organizers of physical culture and sports work gave very tangible results which were expressed in growth of number of deaf competitive athletes, successful participation of teams of Belgorod sportsmen in regional, All-Russia and even international competitions, in mass passing of norms of complex physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” by members of the organization, in regularly held sports holidays and other actions, participants of which became deaf Belgorod residents of different ages. The result of the work was very positive: it contributed to the successful socialization of Belgorod residents who had hearing problems, facilitated their employment and helped them to discover and realize in different spheres their talents and abilities.

  • Possibilities of Art Therapy in Correcting the Emotional-volitional Sphere of Children with Hearing Impairments

    Anna V. Zhigiliy

    The article reveals the features of correction of the emotional-volitional sphere by art therapy techniques in children with hearing impairments. The presented research results outline the possibilities for further study of the specifics of the emotional and volitional sphere of children with hearing impairments and the use of art therapy tools to correct emotional disorders, the formation and development of volitional processes. The diagnostic results identified areas that require special attention in correctional work with children with hearing impairments: identification of emotional states, limited emotional range, increased anxiety, decreased cognitive motivation and achievement motivation, the ability of emotional regulation, limited social communication.

  • A case study on the participation of China youth organizations in global governance

    Li Menglong, Bai Yajing, Cai Xingyu

    In the face of increasingly complex global issues, social organizations are playing a more prominent role in the global governance system, with young people taking on a more important role. However, from a broader perspective, the current lack of overall capacity of China's youth to participate in global governance limits the process of China's participation in global governance. Taking the example of the China Youth Climate Action Network , a widely influential youth organization founded in 2007, which led the first team of youth delegates in China's history to appear on stage at the Copenhagen Climate Conference, this paper presents a case study focusing on the background, objectives and operational mechanism of China Youth Climate Action Network, explores the main features and ways of China Youth Climate Action Network's participation in global governance in the field of climate change, and makes suggestions on how to promote better participation of Chinese youth organizations in global governance in light of the existing major problems. This paper concludes that Chinese youth social organizations have made brilliant achievements in their participation in global governance, but are still somewhat immature compared to mature youth social organizations in other developed countries. Further changes are needed in both the government and the organization itself to support the participation of Chinese youth organizations in global governance.


  • Suicide prevention: partnership activities of government and religious organizations

    Elena I. Lupan

    The article is devoted to the analysis of the partnership activities of state and religious organizations in the prevention of suicidal behavior. The task of creating conditions for personal self-realization, motivating a person to activate personal resources, self-help in overcoming critical life situations and preventing suicidal behavior requires increased attention. Suicidal behavior is caused by a number of factors: social, economic, political, psychological, including religious. Currently, interdisciplinary study of this phenomenon is relevant, there is a need to search for new opportunities and forms of work in partnership with state, public and religious organizations in order to in-depth study of suicide risk factors and develop effective social programs to prevent suicidal behavior in modern society.

  • Research of the level of customer satisfaction with social services and recommendations for their improvement at the municipal level

    Kenzhebay Temirlan Zhanatuly

    Customer satisfaction is the most important indicator for evaluating the effectiveness and quality of social services. During the pilot study, the level of customer satisfaction with the following types of social services was measured: healthcare, including availability of medical services, quality of medical care, and waiting time, social security (including benefits and support): assessment of satisfaction with social security services, including the availability and effectiveness of social support measures, housing services: including housing affordability, satisfaction with living conditions and state support in solving housing issues. In order to study customer satisfaction, a sociological survey was conducted using a standardized interview method (a typological sample by categories of recipients of social services n=50, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan, 2023). From the conducted study of customer satisfaction with social services, the following main results were obtained: in the field of healthcare, respondents highly appreciated the availability of medical services, while in housing in the sphere, respondents noted the insufficiency of existing measures, and the bureaucratization of procedures for obtaining social support. According to the results of the study, several key recommendations were formulated aimed at increasing customer satisfaction with social services.


  • Self-realization in the youth environment: Value and potential

    Evgeniy V. Reutov

    The value of self-realization in the youth environment in its most general form is not among the priorities, however, in-depth sociological analysis allows us to place on the conditional border between key life values (family, health) and «second order» values (love, freedom, career). Self-realization can be considered both in the broadest sense – as the actualization of one's potential – talents, abilities, and more pragmatically – In terms of profession, career, creative potential. The conditions for self-realization in modern society have received an ambiguous assessment of young people, higher in sports and leisure activities, less in professional development, politics, freedom of statements.


  • Social adaptation of persons with mental disorders: Possibilities of accompanied accommodation

    Irina G. Voloshina, Irina V. Voronova

    The article discusses the features of the introduction and implementation of the hospital-substituting technology of assisted living for people suffering from mental disorders. This technology contributes to the development of independence and independence, increasing the adaptive resources of people with mental disorders. The conducted research made it possible to identify areas for improving the efficiency of accompanied accommodation: increased funding, development of social infrastructure; organization of training of specialists in accompanied accommodation; informing persons with disabilities about the opportunities and benefits of accompanied accommodation; expansion of activities for educational (training) accompanied accommodation.

  • Improving Parental Competence of Young Mothers with Orphanhood Experience

    Elena Y. Kovaleva

    The article is devoted to the problem of improving the parental competence of young mothers who are graduates of boarding schools and are on post-international support at the GBU “Center for Training and post-international support of graduates “Spread your Wings”.

    The conducted research made it possible to identify the basic needs of young mothers and to indicate the areas for improving the psychological-pedagogical culture and parental competence of young mothers with experience of orphanhood.

    The results obtained became the basis for the development of the regional project “My Family is my support”, aimed at informing young mothers about the possibilities of receiving assistance; providing targeted assistance to families in overcoming difficulties by specialized specialists and volunteers; creating a developing space for children and teaching parents the skills of playing interaction with them; developing parental competence and preventing emotional burnout through psychological trainings and consultations.

  • Social Activity of Youth: Features of Manifestation and Conditions of Development

    Tatyana Alexandrovna Cherkashina

    The article reveals the features and conditions of the development of social activity of young people at the municipal level (using the example of student youth), identifies the main areas in which young people are most active: socio-cultural, sports, volunteer activities. At the same time, the participation of young people in activities aimed at developing intellectual, scientific and creative potential, as well as involvement in management activities; it also requires attention and the development of ways to stimulate this activity.

    Priority forms of work with young people are project activities, interactive forms of work, organization and activities of youth associations, including participation in volunteer activities.


  • Social support of students at the university

    Marina V. Zakharova, Tatiana V. Nikulina, Olga M. Veretennikova

    Currently, there is an expansion of the types of social support and categories of students eligible to receive it. The conducted research among the students of the National Research University "BelSU" made it possible to identify the need of the student youth for social support measures and the peculiarities of its provision in the conditions of the university. The main difficulties faced by students are material, psychological and employment problems. The most popular types of social support are scholarships, payment of financial assistance, subsidies for tuition fees, provision of places in a hostel, preferential travel. The author emphasizes the importance of providing complete, accessible and reliable information about the social support of students at the university.


  • Formation of the career trajectory of students with disabilities at the stage of the educational process at the university

    Tatyana V. Koltunova, Irina A. Ladygina, Ekaterina L. Rashina

    This article examines mechanisms to promote employment of graduates of educational organizations with disabilities and limited opportunities of health, implemented in higher education institutions; the article also gives a description of the main measures to ensure routing of career support for graduates with disabilities during employment in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The authors emphasize the importance and necessity of career support for graduates with disabilities and limited opportunities of health.


  • Social well-being of graduates of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care (a case study of Belgorod region)

    Ksenia Y. Koroleva, Liliya S. Anisimova, Елена Юрьевна Ковалёва , Nadezhda M. Massan, Marina V. Nerubenko

    The article presents the results of monitoring the social well-being of graduates of boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care receiving post-boarding support at the State Budgetary Institution "Spread your wings" Center for Training and Post-Boarding Support of Graduates. As part of the implementation of the "Vector of Success" project aimed at increasing the degree of readiness for independent living, graduates received training, psychological and career guidance counseling, and personal development coaching. As a result of the project, they showed a fairly high satisfaction with the current state of affairs, the desire for independency and self-reliance in decision-making. The majority of respondents assess their own competence in the social, educational and private spheres of activity as high. The results of the survey reveal a good level of graduates’ preparedness for the domestic household sector. ICTs are largely used in daily routine and educational activities. More than half of the graduates have chosen their future professions and institutions for further education, with a third planning to continue their education at higher levels, and another third intending to find jobs.

  • Secondary Prevention of Delinquent Behavior in Adolescents: An Interagency Approach

    Anastasia S. Antonova

    The article discusses the challenges of implementing secondary prevention measures for adolescent deviant behavior based on data from a field study conducted in Belgorod in 2023 and 2024. The findings from document content analysis, expert surveys, and standardized interviews with adolescents with delinquent tendencies support the author's hypothesis regarding difficulties in interagency cooperation among organization involved in prevention efforts, including educational institutions and law enforcement agencies. These challenges primarily stem from a lack of unified approaches and comprehensive plans for preventing delinquency among minors, as well as from formalistic practices and insufficient attention paid to improving family relationships among offenders. At the same time, specialists and children see the key to solving the problem in stabilizing intra-family relationships and correcting the social environment of adolescents and organizing their useful employment.


  • Social prevention of extremism among students (based on the materials of Sociological study)

    Elena I. Mozgovaya, Ilya I. Dolzhenkov

    The article attempts to analyze the problem of spreading extremist sentiments among students and sub-stantiates the importance of social prevention as an activity to eliminate and reduce the influence of factors contributing to the formation and manifestation of extremist sentiments among students. The main factors contributing to the involvement of the younger generation in extremist highlighted activi-ties are the following: low level of legal awareness, insufficient life experience, inability to conduct a critical analysis of the situation, free access to the system resources of the Internet space. The conducted research made it possible to identify areas for improving the effectiveness of extremism prevention among students. The involvement of student youth in volunteer activities will expand the sphere of social communication of young people, create opportunities for the assimilation of positive social val-ues, and allow reassessing motives and needs, which will become an important resource in the system of social prevention of extremist manifestations in the student environment.

  • Social Prevention of Aggressive Behavior among Juvenile Offenders

    Maria L. Tricose

    The specific features of adolescence, the weakening of the positive influence of the family, and in some cases, lack of punishment for already committed offences, lead to minors assimilating patterns of aggressive behaviour during the process of socialisation and considering aggression an acceptable form of response in certain situations. The results of a theoretical analysis of special scientific literature have allowed us to conclude that aggressive behaviour has a complex structure and is characterised by a dynamic form of behavioural actions that constantly changes during socialisation, acquiring the characteristics of normative behaviour. The results of the author's social research have shown that the aggressive behavior of juvenile offenders is not determined by a tendency towards cruelty and violence, as previously thought, but rather by personal-semantic factors such as cognitive distortions and lack of self-regulation skills. These findings should be taken into consideration when developing programs to prevent aggressive behavior among this population.


  • Ministry of the Russian Orthodox Church in helping the homeless

    Anastasia V. Maslakova

    Today, the problem we have identified of finding effective ways to help the homeless is very relevant. Modern social work with the homeless is carried out by both the state and the Church. The directions of service to the homeless developed by the Russian Orthodox Church over the centuries create real conditions and opportunities for the interaction of state "social work" and spiritual "social service". Therefore, the state places its hopes on the church in solving the most pressing problems of homeless people. Serving the homeless is not a separate event, but a full-fledged direction of the Russian Orthodox Church. Despite the fact that this ministry began in ancient times at monasteries, now the Church's assistance to the homeless is not limited only to monastic ministry. In social service, society is a kind of step to the basis of all meaning and purpose - God. From the point of view of the Russian Orthodox Church, assistance to the homeless should be provided both in the aspect of love directed to the Lord, whose "lesser brother" is before us, and in the aspect of the perception of the home

  • Problems of Russian Youth Social Activity Formation in the Border Region Conditions

    Elena I. Mozgovaya, Yulia A. Skrekerya

    The article attempts to analyze the problem of the formation of social activity of young people living in a border region. The work also substantiates the importance of volunteer activity as one of the most effective mechanisms and factors in the development of social activity, allowing a young people to express themselves, acquire useful skills and implement them in practice. It has been established that the situation of social uncertainty, characteristic of many border regions, negatively affects the social well-being of young people, reducing their social activity. At the same time, this situation stimulates the expansion of types and forms of social activity of young people, taking into account the new socio-cultural and political challenges facing modern Russian society. The conducted research allowed the authors to identify the areas for increasing the level of involvement of young people in socially significant activities in the region and ways of formation the social activity of young people. The development of program activities for the development of socially important qualities of personality will promote the entry of active youth into the system of civic relations, the acquisition of skills to find a way out of problem situations, make decisions independently, take initiative, take responsibility for themselves, thus contributing to the formation of socially active behavior and the development of civic consciousness.

  • Study of Effectiveness of Career Guidance Activities in the System of Social Work with Students of Secondary Schools (Applied Research)

    Ilya S. Mishustin, Ksenia Y. Koroleva

    The article presents the findings of a study on the effectiveness of different forms of career counseling for high school students. It discusses various types of career counseling, such as providing information about different professions, counseling, conducting psychological tests, and attending career events. The article also considers the specifics of implementing each type of career counseling in school settings and how students perceive it. The results of the study indicate a need to adjust the format of career counseling to include more direct exposure to professional activities, such as visiting workplaces and learning about the corporate and professional cultures of different industries. This would involve more active participation on the part of students, allowing them to gain a better understanding of different career paths and make informed decisions about their future.


  • Prison ministry of the Russian Orthodox Church

    Tamara I. Lipich, Anastasia V. Maslakova

    The types, directions and forms of prison service of the Russian Orthodox Church, the basic concepts and terms characterizing the mechanism of rehabilitation are considered. The authors focus on providing spiritual assistance to people serving sentences and released from prison. It is shown that the preparation of prisoners for a righteous life in freedom is a very important component of the prison service. The measures aimed at achieving the goal of re-socialization are described in detail. The authors believe that the positive experience of foreign countries successfully cooperating with the Church and the penitentiary system in matters of spiritual and moral development of convicts should be taken into account in the practical activities of the Russian Federation.

  • xperience of Training Persons Willing to Foster a Child Left Without Parental Care in Moscow

    Kristina N. Rudycheva

    The article considers the peculiarities of training of persons willing to adopt a child left without parental care for upbringing in a family. The author reveals the stages of formation of the practice of preparing candidates for foster parents. The procedure of life placement of a child left without parental care in Moscow is considered in detail. The author pays special attention to the training of persons willing to foster a child and the need for their socio-psychological examination (from 2023) as areas that contribute to mitigating the risks of placing a child left without parental care in a family.


  • Family violence: Structure and technology of social work (on the example of Belgorod)

    Vyacheslav E. Babeshko, Galina A. Yelnikova, Lyudmila M. Dubskaya

    Family violence has reached catastrophic proportions in the Russian Federation, which pose a threat to the fundamental criteria of security and the life of society. Prevention of family violence is complicated by a long period of development of the problem. Despite the active attention of both domestic and foreign scientists to this topic, there are currently no prospects for solving the problem of domestic violence in the Russian Federation. The purpose of this study is to identify the most widespread types and causes of family violence at the present time and to determine the prospects for social work with crisis families. The authors conducted a sociological survey (150 respondents with experience in dealing with domestic violence and more than 20 experts, including lawyers, social workers, teachers and psychologists). The results showed that the problem is assessed by respondents as acute and widespread, but 95% of respondents do not know where to turn for help. Experts and respondents of the mass survey assess the existing prevention system as a whole as ineffective and pessimistically assess the possibility of primary prevention of domestic violence. The study participants noted socio-pedagogical prevention as the most important area of preventive work. It is concluded that it is necessary to inform the widest possible segments of the population about the organizations in which you can get help, as well as about the support and protection measures provided.


  • Civic and Patriotic Education of the Youth of the Region on the Exam-ple of the City of Belgorod

    Kseniya Gennadievna Skorik, Nadezhda Ivanovna Kolesnikova

    The study of patriotic education of youth is closely related to the issue of values in general. For quite a long time they did not represent a separate scientific category and, therefore, their targeted research was not conducted, the study of this issue was not carried out in the required volume and direction.
    The state does a lot to increase patriotism in the country, however, the effec-tiveness of these actions remains unclear to this day - the group of those who are not confident enough in their position is quite impressive, although not critical; current events in the country actively influence the patriotic consciousness of youth as the most strategically important category of citizens; the heterogeneous infor-mation environment in which they find themselves every day offers a whole palette of meanings that have every chance of becoming habitualized and reproduced un-consciously in the future. At the present moment, this can provoke additional con-tradictions to those already existing in the mind regarding the personal position in the image of a patriot. Thus, it seems necessary to us to create a system of socio-logical monitoring of the level of civic and patriotic education of the youth of our region.

  • Activities of Socially Oriented Non-Profit Organizations on Social Support of the Population in the Belgorod Region: Problems and Prospects

    Danil Igorevich Afanasyev

    The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of socially oriented non-profit organizations operating in the Belgorod region. The research included the study of the following aspects: provision of social support, assessment of activities, level of development of organizations, sources of funding, as well as features of interaction with social protection institutions.
    The results of the survey of socially oriented non-profit organizations representatives showed that their activities are currently in demand. There is a positive trend in the number of social services provided, opportunities for providing various types of social support to the population are expanding, while insufficient funding, its dependence on external revenues (mainly grant support) and the need to improve the mechanisms of interaction with state institutions of the social protection system for the joint solution of social problems in the region are noted.
