Remote employment of persons with disabilities in the era of digitalization


  • Elena N. Alekseeva T.G. Shevchenko Transnistrian State University



remote employment, disabled people, persons with disabilities, flexible forms of work, labor market, employment barriers


The labor market is undergoing significant changes as a result of the influence of digitalization processes on it, as a result of which new forms of employment are emerging. With the development of information and communication technologies and the availability of the Internet, remote employment has become possible for many categories of the population, including those with health limitations. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to the active implementation and development of remote employment, however, the forced transition of employers to this form of employment opened gaps in the legislative framework, consisting in its insufficient flexibility and protection of fundamental rights of workers. The total number of Russian disabled people at the beginning of 2023 was 11.55 thousand people, of which 4.5 thousand people were of working age. The share of employed (working) disabled people from the total number of disabled people at the beginning of 2022 is only 22.6%, while the total share of the employed population is 79%. Persons with disabilities are a unique reserve of the population’s labor potential in the context of a declining working-age population and its aging. Labor plays an important role in the integration and self-realization of people with disabilities, helps improve their standard of living, and also prevents the development of social deprivation. Limited health opportunities create obstacles to the traditional form of employment, especially for people with limited mobility. Despite the quotas for jobs for this category of citizens, in practice there is often a lack of desire on the part of employers to include employees with disabilities in their staff. Today, the state pays close attention to the issues of professional development and employment of disabled people of working age. The article examines remote work as an adaptive mechanism for persons with disabilities, providing them with the opportunity for labor integration. The basic terms and concepts that describe remote employment are presented. Increasing the level of employment of people with disabilities plays an important role in developing the level of general well-being of society. Since employment for people with disabilities of working age is the main channel of social and labor integration, the use and implementation of remote forms of employment is of particular importance. Remote work is an innovative and effective way to solve the acute problem of unemployment among persons with disabilities and people with disabilities, thereby its use will have a positive impact on the level of employment of the population as a whole.


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Author Biography

Elena N. Alekseeva, T.G. Shevchenko Transnistrian State University

Post-graduate student, Lecturer of the Department of Sociology and Social Technologies, T.G. Shevchenko Transnistrian State University, Tiraspol, Transnistrian Moldavian Republic.


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How to Cite

Alekseeva, E. N. Remote Employment of Persons With Disabilities in the Era of Digitalization. НРСР 2023, 2.



Inclusive environment and rehabilitation practices