Suicide prevention: partnership activities of government and religious organizations




suicide, prevention of suicidal behavior, religion, orthodoxy, preaching, confession


The article is devoted to the analysis of the partnership activities of state and religious organizations in the prevention of suicidal behavior. The task of creating conditions for personal self-realization, motivating a person to activate personal resources, self-help in overcoming critical life situations and preventing suicidal behavior requires increased attention. Suicidal behavior is caused by a number of factors: social, economic, political, psychological, including religious. Currently, interdisciplinary study of this phenomenon is relevant, there is a need to search for new opportunities and forms of work in partnership with state, public and religious organizations in order to in-depth study of suicide risk factors and develop effective social programs to prevent suicidal behavior in modern society.


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Author Biography

Elena I. Lupan, T.G. Shevchenko Transnistrian State University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sociology and Social Technologies, T. G. Shevchenko Pridnestrovian State University, Tiraspol, Transnistrian Moldavian Republic.


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How to Cite

Lupan, E. I. Suicide Prevention: Partnership Activities of Government and Religious Organizations. НРСР 2023, 2.



Theory and practice of social work