Research of the level of customer satisfaction with social services and recommendations for their improvement at the municipal level


  • Kenzhebay Temirlan Zhanatuly Kokshetau university named after Abaya Myrzakhmetova



satisfaction with social services, healthcare, social work, social security, vulnerable groups of the population, social policy


Customer satisfaction is the most important indicator for evaluating the effectiveness and quality of social services. During the pilot study, the level of customer satisfaction with the following types of social services was measured: healthcare, including availability of medical services, quality of medical care, and waiting time, social security (including benefits and support): assessment of satisfaction with social security services, including the availability and effectiveness of social support measures, housing services: including housing affordability, satisfaction with living conditions and state support in solving housing issues. In order to study customer satisfaction, a sociological survey was conducted using a standardized interview method (a typological sample by categories of recipients of social services n=50, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan, 2023). From the conducted study of customer satisfaction with social services, the following main results were obtained: in the field of healthcare, respondents highly appreciated the availability of medical services, while in housing in the sphere, respondents noted the insufficiency of existing measures, and the bureaucratization of procedures for obtaining social support. According to the results of the study, several key recommendations were formulated aimed at increasing customer satisfaction with social services.


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Author Biography

Kenzhebay Temirlan Zhanatuly, Kokshetau university named after Abaya Myrzakhmetova

Lecturer of the Department of International Relations, History, Social Work of the Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan


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How to Cite

Zhanatuly, K. T. Research of the Level of Customer Satisfaction With Social Services and Recommendations for Their Improvement at the Municipal Level. НРСР 2023, 2.



Theory and practice of social work