Primary morbidity and disability due to diseases of the digestive system among the adult population of the Belgorod region in a comparative aspect with the Russian Federation in dynamics for 2008−2022


  • Marina A. Urusova Federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Belgorod Region” Ministry of Labor of Russia
  • Natalia A. Andreeva Federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Belgorod Region” Ministry of Labor of Russia
  • Tatiana V. Dmitrieva Federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Belgorod Region” Ministry of Labor of Russia ,Belgorod National Research University
  • Olga N. Chaplygina Federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Belgorod Region” Ministry of Labor of Russia
  • Irina V. Kryuchkova Federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Belgorod Region” Ministry of Labor of Russia



pathology of the digestive system, medical and social consequences, growth rate, statistically significant differences


The results of a comparative analysis of indicators of primary morbidity and disability due to diseases of the digestive organs (DOD) among the adult population in the Belgorod region in a comparative aspect with the Russian Federation (RF) for 15 years (2008−2023) are presented. The rank places of BOP in the structure of primary morbidity and disability have been determined. The level of primary morbidity and disability due to BOP during the observation period in the Belgorod region and in the country as a whole was characterized by a positive downward trend. The contingent of disabled people was formed mainly by people of working age, disabled people of group III.

The first 3 ranking places in the structure of primary disability due to BOP were occupied by liver diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and pancreatic diseases. The identified features of the age structure and trends in the dynamics of disability indicators due to BPD, taking into account the established signs of population regression, allow us to predict an increase in the level of disability, which indicates the need for further optimization of the provision of medical and social care and support for this contingent of disabled people.


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Author Biographies

Marina A. Urusova, Federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Belgorod Region” Ministry of Labor of Russia

Head of Bureau No. 9 of the Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Belgorod Region” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Belgorod, Russia.

Natalia A. Andreeva, Federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Belgorod Region” Ministry of Labor of Russia

Head of the Bureau No. 3 of the mixed profile of the Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Belgorod Region” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Belgorod, Russia.

Tatiana V. Dmitrieva, Federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Belgorod Region” Ministry of Labor of Russia ,Belgorod National Research University

Honored Doctor of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the expert staff No. 2 of the Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Belgorod Region” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Medical Institute, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia.

Olga N. Chaplygina, Federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Belgorod Region” Ministry of Labor of Russia

Head of Bureau No. 22 of the Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Belgorod Region” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, Belgorod, Russia

Irina V. Kryuchkova, Federal government institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the Belgorod Region” Ministry of Labor of Russia

Head of Bureau No. 8 of the Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Belgorod Region” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation,
Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

Urusova, M. A.; Andreeva, N. A.; Dmitrieva, T. V.; Chaplygina, O. N.; Kryuchkova, I. V. Primary Morbidity and Disability Due to Diseases of the Digestive System Among the Adult Population of the Belgorod Region in a Comparative Aspect With the Russian Federation in Dynamics for 2008−2022. НРСР 2023, 2.



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