Family violence: Structure and technology of social work (on the example of Belgorod)
prevention of domestic violence, types of family violence, causes of family violence, domestic violenceAbstract
Family violence has reached catastrophic proportions in the Russian Federation, which pose a threat to the fundamental criteria of security and the life of society. Prevention of family violence is complicated by a long period of development of the problem. Despite the active attention of both domestic and foreign scientists to this topic, there are currently no prospects for solving the problem of domestic violence in the Russian Federation. The purpose of this study is to identify the most widespread types and causes of family violence at the present time and to determine the prospects for social work with crisis families. The authors conducted a sociological survey (150 respondents with experience in dealing with domestic violence and more than 20 experts, including lawyers, social workers, teachers and psychologists). The results showed that the problem is assessed by respondents as acute and widespread, but 95% of respondents do not know where to turn for help. Experts and respondents of the mass survey assess the existing prevention system as a whole as ineffective and pessimistically assess the possibility of primary prevention of domestic violence. The study participants noted socio-pedagogical prevention as the most important area of preventive work. It is concluded that it is necessary to inform the widest possible segments of the population about the organizations in which you can get help, as well as about the support and protection measures provided.
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