Ministry of the Russian Orthodox Church in helping the homeless


  • Anastasia V. Maslakova Belgorod National Research University


the Russian Orthodox Church, social service, homelessness, homeless people, public relations, charity, rehabilitation


Today, the problem we have identified of finding effective ways to help the homeless is very relevant. Modern social work with the homeless is carried out by both the state and the Church. The directions of service to the homeless developed by the Russian Orthodox Church over the centuries create real conditions and opportunities for the interaction of state "social work" and spiritual "social service". Therefore, the state places its hopes on the church in solving the most pressing problems of homeless people. Serving the homeless is not a separate event, but a full-fledged direction of the Russian Orthodox Church. Despite the fact that this ministry began in ancient times at monasteries, now the Church's assistance to the homeless is not limited only to monastic ministry. In social service, society is a kind of step to the basis of all meaning and purpose - God. From the point of view of the Russian Orthodox Church, assistance to the homeless should be provided both in the aspect of love directed to the Lord, whose "lesser brother" is before us, and in the aspect of the perception of the home


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Author Biography

Anastasia V. Maslakova, Belgorod National Research University

Assistant Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Theology, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia



List of sources

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How to Cite

Maslakova, A. V. Ministry of the Russian Orthodox Church in Helping the Homeless. НРСР 2023, 2, 34-45.



Theory and practice of social work

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