Organization of Cultural and Leisure Activities for Young People with Disabilities


  • Alena A. Babenko Belgorod State National Research University



young people with disabilities, inclusion, social integration, cultural and leisure activities, socio-cultural rehabilitation, psychological support, creative development


This article aims to provide a comprehensive study on the organization of cultural and leisure activities for young people with disabilities, focusing on their significance in the process of their social integration and adaptation. The paper examines a range of theoretical and practical aspects related to creating an inclusive environment for this group, including eliminating physical, psychological, and information barriers that hinder their access to public life and cultural events. Through analysis of scientific literature, particularly research in the fields of social psychology and sociology, the author argues that the isolation experienced by young people with disabilities often stems not from their physical or psychological characteristics, but rather from inadequate adaptation of social structures. The article analyzes successful examples of inclusive cultural and leisure activities in Russia, including projects of the All-Russia Society of Disabled People aimed at socio-cultural rehabilitation. It also discusses the importance of supporting young people with disabilities through creative master classes and sports competitions. The article highlights the significance of psychological assistance for young people with special needs, which helps them overcome social fears and build confidence through participation in cultural events. It also examines successful initiatives at the regional level, like the Center for Social Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities in Belgorod, which offers programs for creative development and social integration of young people with disabilities.


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Author Biography

Alena A. Babenko, Belgorod State National Research University

2nd year master's student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia



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How to Cite

Babenko, A. A. Organization of Cultural and Leisure Activities for Young People With Disabilities. НРСР 2024, 3, 122-129.



Inclusive environment and rehabilitation practices