The New Content of “Silver” Volunteering in the Context of a Special Military Operation (Based on Materials from the Belgorod Region)




volunteering, silver volunteering, emergency conditions, special military operation (SMO), helping those in need, self-actualization


“Silver” volunteering is a significant aspect of social reality that aims to promote the active involvement of older adults in public life, self-realization, and the solution of important issues in modern society. This dynamic social movement can change its meaning, content, and focus under the influence of external factors. “Silver” volunteers play a crucial role in emergency situations, where the need for assistance and support increases. Therefore, studying the experience of “silver” volunteering in emergency conditions in the Belgorod region is essential for its theoretical understanding. Despite the abundance of literature on “silver” volunteering, little research has been conducted on its activities in extreme circumstances. The purpose of this article is to present the findings from a study on the activity of "silver" volunteers in the Belgorod region during emergency situations. The study was based on an analysis of documents from the Belgorod Social Protection Department (2009−2024), as well as the results of a questionnaire survey with elderly people who had applied to social protection authorities (n=87 in 2021) and interviews with them (n=23 in December 2023). We used a comparative method in our analysis. The results of the study show both an increase in the number of elderly volunteers, as well as a change in the meaning and content of their activities. Instead of focusing on self-actualization in stable conditions, the volunteers now prioritize assisting those in need.


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Author Biographies

Galina A. Elnikova, Belgorod National Research University

доктор социологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры социальной работы, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,
г. Белгород, Россия

ORCID: 0000-0001-8998-2140

Kirill V. Beketov, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law

postgraduate student of the Department of Humanities and Social Disciplines, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law,
Belgorod, Russia



Список источников

ООН : Мадридский международный план действий по проблемам старения 2002 года. URL: http//

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How to Cite

Elnikova, G. A.; Beketov, K. V. The New Content of “Silver” Volunteering in the Context of a Special Military Operation (Based on Materials from the Belgorod Region). НРСР 2024, 3, 114-121.



Topical issues of active longevity and health saving