Study of Effectiveness of Career Guidance Activities in the System of Social Work with Students of Secondary Schools (Applied Research)




school students, professional orientation, professional counseling, factors of career choice, social work with schoolchildren


The article presents the findings of a study on the effectiveness of different forms of career counseling for high school students. It discusses various types of career counseling, such as providing information about different professions, counseling, conducting psychological tests, and attending career events. The article also considers the specifics of implementing each type of career counseling in school settings and how students perceive it. The results of the study indicate a need to adjust the format of career counseling to include more direct exposure to professional activities, such as visiting workplaces and learning about the corporate and professional cultures of different industries. This would involve more active participation on the part of students, allowing them to gain a better understanding of different career paths and make informed decisions about their future.


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Author Biography

Ilya S. Mishustin, Shukhov Lyceum of the Belgorod region

Social pedagogue of the Shukhov Lyceum of the Belgorod region, Belgorod, Russian Federation


Список источников

Опрос на портале «Рамблер».

Список литературы

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How to Cite

Mishustin, I. S.; Koroleva, K. Y. Study of Effectiveness of Career Guidance Activities in the System of Social Work With Students of Secondary Schools (Applied Research). НРСР 2024, 3, 80-88.



Theory and practice of social work