Social Activity of Youth: Features of Manifestation and Conditions of Development
youth, social activity, social change, student youthAbstract
The article reveals the features and conditions of the development of social activity of young people at the municipal level (using the example of student youth), identifies the main areas in which young people are most active: socio-cultural, sports, volunteer activities. At the same time, the participation of young people in activities aimed at developing intellectual, scientific and creative potential, as well as involvement in management activities; it also requires attention and the development of ways to stimulate this activity.
Priority forms of work with young people are project activities, interactive forms of work, organization and activities of youth associations, including participation in volunteer activities.
Список источников
Концепция развития добровольчества (волонтерства) в Российской Федерации до 2025 г. Режим доступа:
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