Role of Adaptive Physical Education and Adaptive Sports in Social Adaptation of People with Disabilities: Experience of the Belgorod Region


  • Elena V. Strizhakova State Budgetary Institution Center for Adaptive Sports and Physical Culture of the Belgorod region
  • Victoria K. Klimova Belgorod State National Research University
  • Maria V. Shimokhina Belgorod State National Research University



persons with disabilities, disabled people, adaptive sport, adaptive physical culture


Involvement of persons with health conditions and disabilities in adaptive physical education and sports helps to facilitate adaptation processes in society and increases the self-esteem of the participants.

In the Belgorod Region, a priority is the introduction of socially-oriented technologies to improve the quality of life of people in this category. The data confirming the increase in the involvement of persons with disabilities in active physical fitness and health activities are presented.

A unified concept of implementation of a set of measures and physical fitness and recreational services ("road map") aimed at the development of adaptive physical culture and sport in the municipalities of the region is considered.


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Author Biographies

Elena V. Strizhakova, State Budgetary Institution Center for Adaptive Sports and Physical Culture of the Belgorod region

Director of State Budgetary Institution Center for Adaptive Sports and Physical Culture of the Belgorod region, Belgorod, Russia

Victoria K. Klimova, Belgorod State National Research University

Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Maria V. Shimokhina, Belgorod State National Research University

Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


Список источников

Официальная статистика / Население/ Положение инвалидов. –

Список литературы

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Евсеев, С.П. Адаптивный спорт / С.П. Евсеев, Ю.А. Брискин, А.В. Передирий – М.: Советский спорт, 2010. – 316 с.

Устинов, И.Ю. Адаптивная физкультура как социальный процесс / И.Ю. Устинов, А.А. Караванов, О.М. Холодов // Олимпизм: истоки, традиции и современность: Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция. − Воронеж: ВГИФК, 2016. − С. 462−469.

Халажева, С.Р. Современное состояние развития адаптивного спорта в России и за рубежом / С.Р. Халажева // Проблемы управления проектами и государственными программами: анализ, контроль, надзор. – М.: КноРус, 2019. – С. 232 – 243.



How to Cite

Strizhakova, E. V.; Klimova, V. K.; Shimokhina, M. V. Role of Adaptive Physical Education and Adaptive Sports in Social Adaptation of People With Disabilities: Experience of the Belgorod Region. НРСР 2024, 3, 64-70.



Inclusive environment and rehabilitation practices