Civic and Patriotic Education of the Youth of the Region on the Exam-ple of the City of Belgorod


  • Kseniya Gennadievna Skorik School № 20; Belgorod State National Research University
  • Nadezhda Ivanovna Kolesnikova Belgorod State National Research University



civic-patriotic education, value orientations, agents of patriotic socialization, patriotic organizations


The study of patriotic education of youth is closely related to the issue of values in general. For quite a long time they did not represent a separate scientific category and, therefore, their targeted research was not conducted, the study of this issue was not carried out in the required volume and direction.
The state does a lot to increase patriotism in the country, however, the effec-tiveness of these actions remains unclear to this day - the group of those who are not confident enough in their position is quite impressive, although not critical; current events in the country actively influence the patriotic consciousness of youth as the most strategically important category of citizens; the heterogeneous infor-mation environment in which they find themselves every day offers a whole palette of meanings that have every chance of becoming habitualized and reproduced un-consciously in the future. At the present moment, this can provoke additional con-tradictions to those already existing in the mind regarding the personal position in the image of a patriot. Thus, it seems necessary to us to create a system of socio-logical monitoring of the level of civic and patriotic education of the youth of our region.


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Author Biography

Kseniya Gennadievna Skorik, School № 20; Belgorod State National Research University

teacher of history, School № 20, 4-year graduate student, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Skorik, K. G.; Kolesnikova, N. I. Civic and Patriotic Education of the Youth of the Region on the Exam-Ple of the City of Belgorod. НРСР 2024, 3, 89-102.



Theory and practice of social work