xperience of Training Persons Willing to Foster a Child Left Without Parental Care in Moscow


  • Kristina N. Rudycheva GBU Family Education Assistance Center “Our House”




children left without parental care, substitute family, foster parents, the child's lifestyle


The article considers the peculiarities of training of persons willing to adopt a child left without parental care for upbringing in a family. The author reveals the stages of formation of the practice of preparing candidates for foster parents. The procedure of life placement of a child left without parental care in Moscow is considered in detail. The author pays special attention to the training of persons willing to foster a child and the need for their socio-psychological examination (from 2023) as areas that contribute to mitigating the risks of placing a child left without parental care in a family.


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Author Biography

Kristina N. Rudycheva, GBU Family Education Assistance Center “Our House”

specialist in social work, GBU Family Education Assistance Center “Our House”,
Moscow, Russia.


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Морозова, Е.В. Актуальные проблемы подготовки кандидатов в замещающие родители в аспекте обеспечения психологической безопасности приемных детей // Психология и педагогика: методика и проблемы практического применения. − 2013. − № 32. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/aktualnye-problemy-podgotovki-kandidatov-v-zameschayuschie-roditeli-v-aspekte-obespecheniya-psihologicheskoy-bezopasnosti-priemnyh.



How to Cite

Rudycheva, K. N. Xperience of Training Persons Willing to Foster a Child Left Without Parental Care in Moscow. НРСР 2024, 3, 45-51.



Theory and practice of social work