Problems of Russian Youth Social Activity Formation in the Border Region Conditions




young people, social perfomance, social activity, border region, civic consciousness


The article attempts to analyze the problem of the formation of social activity of young people living in a border region. The work also substantiates the importance of volunteer activity as one of the most effective mechanisms and factors in the development of social activity, allowing a young people to express themselves, acquire useful skills and implement them in practice. It has been established that the situation of social uncertainty, characteristic of many border regions, negatively affects the social well-being of young people, reducing their social activity. At the same time, this situation stimulates the expansion of types and forms of social activity of young people, taking into account the new socio-cultural and political challenges facing modern Russian society. The conducted research allowed the authors to identify the areas for increasing the level of involvement of young people in socially significant activities in the region and ways of formation the social activity of young people. The development of program activities for the development of socially important qualities of personality will promote the entry of active youth into the system of civic relations, the acquisition of skills to find a way out of problem situations, make decisions independently, take initiative, take responsibility for themselves, thus contributing to the formation of socially active behavior and the development of civic consciousness.


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Author Biographies

Elena I. Mozgovaya, Belgorod State National Research University

Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia.

Yulia A. Skrekerya, Belgorod State National Research University

Head of the Shebekinsky territorial Department – insurance representative of the first level of Management of the MHI organization of the branch of JSC MAKS-M in Belgorod, master's student in the field of Social work, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

Mozgovaya, E. I.; Skrekerya, Y. A. Problems of Russian Youth Social Activity Formation in the Border Region Conditions. НРСР 2024, 3, 35-44.



Theory and practice of social work