Improving Parental Competence of Young Mothers with Orphanhood Experience




family, parenthood, motherhood, orphanhood, young mothers, readiness for motherhood, pedagogical culture, parental competence


The article is devoted to the problem of improving the parental competence of young mothers who are graduates of boarding schools and are on post-international support at the GBU “Center for Training and post-international support of graduates “Spread your Wings”.

The conducted research made it possible to identify the basic needs of young mothers and to indicate the areas for improving the psychological-pedagogical culture and parental competence of young mothers with experience of orphanhood.

The results obtained became the basis for the development of the regional project “My Family is my support”, aimed at informing young mothers about the possibilities of receiving assistance; providing targeted assistance to families in overcoming difficulties by specialized specialists and volunteers; creating a developing space for children and teaching parents the skills of playing interaction with them; developing parental competence and preventing emotional burnout through psychological trainings and consultations.


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Author Biography

Elena Y. Kovaleva

social pedagogue of the Department of Comprehensive Care of GBU “Center for Training and post-international support of graduates “Spread your Wings”, Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

Kovaleva, E. Y. Improving Parental Competence of Young Mothers With Orphanhood Experience. НРСР 2024, 3, 26-34.



Theory and practice of social work