Socio-Psychological Support for The Elderly (On the Example of the Municipal Project “Old Age is a joy”)


  • Natalia I. Poluboyarinova MBU SSSZN “Integrated Center for Social Services of the Population”



old age, aging, socio-psychological support, mental health, social services


The article examines the features of socio-psychological support for the elderly, the author presents the results of a study which demonstrate the presence of psychological difficulties in elderly people receiving social services, a decrease in emotional background, and lack of life prospects. As one of the solutions, the author suggests the project “Old Age is a joy”, aimed at improving the adaptive capabilities of older people.


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Author Biography

Natalia I. Poluboyarinova, MBU SSSZN “Integrated Center for Social Services of the Population”

Deputy Director for General Affairs, MBU SSSZN “Integrated Center for Social Services of the Population”, Ivnya village, Belgorod region, Russia.


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How to Cite

Poluboyarinova, N. I. Socio-Psychological Support for The Elderly (On the Example of the Municipal Project “Old Age Is a joy”). НРСР 2024, 3, 14-21.



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