Life strategies of young families (based on the materials of a Sociological study)




family, young family, marriage, fertility, financial well-being, life strategies, social policy


Life strategies of young families are one of the key areas of sociological research, as they characterize the main directions of development of youth and young families. For the purpose of a sociological analysis of the life strategies of young families, the author of the article conducted an empirical survey study. The object of the study is the young families in Belgorod.

During the study, the life strategies of young families were measured in the following areas: economic strategies, reproductive strategies, family strategies, and the main problems of implementing life strategies. The following conclusions can be drawn from the study: young people are characterized by a traditional family type and traditional values; young people believe that there should be children in the family, but preferably one or two children, financial well-being is one of the main factors of the full functioning of the family.

Acknowledgements: The study was carried out within the framework of the state task FZWG‑2023–0016, the topic “Life strategies of youth in the context of the geopolitical transformation of the Russian space”, 2023-2025.


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Author Biography

Zhanna O. Blagorozheva, Belgorod National Research University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Work, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

Blagorozheva, Z. O. Life Strategies of Young Families (based on the Materials of a Sociological Study). НРСР 2024, 3, 5-13.



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