Features of the development of blind sports in the Belgorod Region at the present stage


  • Igor N. Nikulin Belgorod National Research University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2128-0270
  • Roman E. Malakhov Center for Adaptive Sports of the Belgorod Region “Vershina”
  • Daria V. Voikina Center for Adaptive Sports of the Belgorod Region “Vershina”




blind sports, visually impaired athletes, adaptive sports, sports training, sports disciplines


The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the development of blind sports in the Belgorod region at the present stage. The main determinants of the development of blind sports in the Belgorod region at the present stage are revealed. Blind sports in the Belgorod region are represented in the following sports disciplines: athletics, arm wrestling, swimming, chess, checkers. The leading athletes and teams have been identified. The proportion of athletes with visual impairments engaged in 2022 in the context of the stages of sports training has been established. The largest percentage of students is represented in training groups − 34.6%. A positive trend has been established in the number of visually impaired athletes engaged in adaptive physical culture and sports in the Belgorod region after a decline in 2019 and 2020. The 2023 figure of 430 people exceeded the 2018 figures for the first time. The main problems restraining the pace of development of blind sports in the Belgorod region have been identified. Among these: the absence of a blind sports federation, the difficulty of gathering athletes at the same time in the venues of training sessions; children with serious visual impairment study in specialized boarding schools; adults, after graduation from educational institutions, are poorly motivated to practice sports.


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Author Biographies

Igor N. Nikulin, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Roman E. Malakhov, Center for Adaptive Sports of the Belgorod Region “Vershina”

Employee of the State Budgetary Institution of Additional Education Sports School “Center for Adaptive Sports of the Belgorod Region “Vershina”, Belgorod, Russia

Daria V. Voikina, Center for Adaptive Sports of the Belgorod Region “Vershina”

Deputy Director for Methodological Work of the State Budgetary Institution of Additional Education Sports School “Center for Adaptive Sports of the Belgorod Region “Vershina”, Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Nikulin, I. N.; Malakhov, R. E.; Voikina, D. V. Features of the Development of Blind Sports in the Belgorod Region at the Present Stage. НРСР 2023, 2, 143-149.



Inclusive environment and rehabilitation practices