Social prevention of extremism among students (based on the materials of Sociological study)




extremism, terrorism, social prevention, student youth, tolerance


The article attempts to analyze the problem of spreading extremist sentiments among students and sub-stantiates the importance of social prevention as an activity to eliminate and reduce the influence of factors contributing to the formation and manifestation of extremist sentiments among students. The main factors contributing to the involvement of the younger generation in extremist highlighted activi-ties are the following: low level of legal awareness, insufficient life experience, inability to conduct a critical analysis of the situation, free access to the system resources of the Internet space. The conducted research made it possible to identify areas for improving the effectiveness of extremism prevention among students. The involvement of student youth in volunteer activities will expand the sphere of social communication of young people, create opportunities for the assimilation of positive social val-ues, and allow reassessing motives and needs, which will become an important resource in the system of social prevention of extremist manifestations in the student environment.


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Author Biographies

Elena I. Mozgovaya, Belgorod National Research University,

Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work, Belgorod National Research University, 
Belgorod, Russian Federation

Ilya I. Dolzhenkov, Belgorod National Research University

Student of the “Social Work” educational area (specialty), Belgorod National Research University, Regional Coordinator of the Youth Wing of the National Front of the Belgorod region,
Belgorod, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Mozgovaya, E. I.; Dolzhenkov, I. I. Social Prevention of Extremism Among Students (based on the Materials of Sociological Study). НРСР 2023, 2, 125-133.



Theory and practice of social work