Self-realization in the youth environment: Value and potential



youth, self-realization, social conditions, of self-realization, values, life chances


The value of self-realization in the youth environment in its most general form is not among the priorities, however, in-depth sociological analysis allows us to place on the conditional border between key life values (family, health) and «second order» values (love, freedom, career). Self-realization can be considered both in the broadest sense – as the actualization of one's potential – talents, abilities, and more pragmatically – In terms of profession, career, creative potential. The conditions for self-realization in modern society have received an ambiguous assessment of young people, higher in sports and leisure activities, less in professional development, politics, freedom of statements.


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Author Biography

Evgeniy V. Reutov, Belgorod National Research University

The value of self-realization in the youth environment in its most general form is not among the priorities, however, in-depth sociological analysis allows us to place on the conditional border between key life values (family, health) and «second order» values (love, freedom, career). Self-realization can be considered both in the broadest sense – as the actualization of one's potential – talents, abilities, and more pragmatically – In terms of profession, career, creative potential. The conditions for self-realization in modern society have received an ambiguous assessment of young people, higher in sports and leisure activities, less in professional development, politics, freedom of statements.

Acknowledgements: The study was carried out within the framework of the state task of the National Research University "BelSU", project No. 0624-2020-0027 "Socio-demographic determinants of the de-velopment of rural areas of the Central Chernozem Economic Region".


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How to Cite

Reutov, E. V. Self-Realization in the Youth Environment: Value and Potential. НРСР 2023, 2, 46-52.



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