Information and communication, gaming technologies in social rehabilitation of senior people (Applied research of the stationary institution experience)



information and communication technologies, social rehabilitation, senior people, gaming technologies, socio-cultural rehabilitation, social rehabilitation services


An expert interview with practitioners of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation center showed the high demand and active use of ICT in rehabilitation activities and interaction with clients. A questionnaire survey and a focus group of clients-recipients of social services showed a positive perception of rehabilitation methods using ICT and gaming technologies. Information and communication technologies act both as auxiliary rehabilitation tools, and can be used independently in solving medical, social and psychological problems of the client during the period of inpatient care and upon completion of course rehabilitation. The development of information and communication technologies by clients in the process of social rehabilitation improves the quality of life by providing wider access to social, medical, social, cultural and leisure services, and also allows solving some of the social problems of this socio-demographic group associated with a lack of communication, loneliness and social isolation.


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Author Biographies

Natalia Y. Podgornaya, Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Center

specialist in social work of Regional State Budgetary Institution "Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Center", Belgorod, Russian Federation

Ksenia Y. Koroleva, Belgorod National Research University

Head of the Department of Social Work, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Podgornaya, N. Y.; Koroleva, K. Y. Information and Communication, Gaming Technologies in Social Rehabilitation of Senior People (Applied Research of the Stationary Institution Experience). НРСР 2023, 2, 5-18.



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